Meet Michael Minton​

Meet Michael Minton​

Michael Minton Portrait

Author of 

Image Solid Steel Knife
Dragonfly Royal Seal

Michael Minton is a native of Ohio. He has worked for Fortune 100 companies as a computer software engineer. He is an avid reader of classical literature who enjoys the exploration of literary themes and the development of interesting characters while writing his mystery plots. He and his wife reside in the Low Country of South Carolina and have traveled throughout Europe.

Michael Minton Portrait

Author of 

Image Solid Steel Knife
Dragonfly Royal Seal

Michael Minton is a native of Ohio. He has worked for Fortune 100 companies as a computer software engineer. He is an avid reader of classical literature who enjoys the exploration of literary themes and the development of interesting characters while writing his mystery plots. He and his wife reside in the Low Country of South Carolina and have traveled throughout Europe.